Monday, July 18, 2011

A new adventure!

It is no secret...I love to read. I have since Kindergarten. Books have always littered my room and taken me away from the realities of my life. In high school, when I was forced to read for AP Englsh class, I began to resent reading. With all the quizzes, papers and tests I was given about the books, I felt like reading was a means to an end and not enjoyable. Luckily, in college, my fondness for reading came back and the library has become an old friend.

My absolute favorite book of all time is "Gone with the Wind" hence the title of my blog. The last line of the book that is uttered by Scarlett is "Tomorrow is another day." Well, I love to read and have been known to finish a boom in a day, so today is one book, tomorrow is another book!

I hope you enjoy this journey that you are taking with me!